Hilfe Englisch Essay mixed race

Ich muss in Englisch ein Essay schreiben und ich möchte diesmal etwas wirklich gutes vorlesen, aber es soll jetzt nicht zu professionell rüberkommen, aber sehr gut.

Der Text zu dem ich ein Essay schreiben muss:

Andrew Kane, 28, an investment banker, his 26-year-old sister, Minna, a TV researcher, and friends who all described themselves as mixed race, were having a drink in the pub and talking about the success of formula one driver Lewis Hamilton and then presidential hopeful Barack Obama.
„Everyone was saying, ‚Here is the first black F1 champion, here is the first black American president‘ and we thought, ‚They are mixed race‘,“ said Andrew. „We are not saying they should not be proud of their black heritage. But we are saying we are not just black and we are not just white.“
The friends said they were fed up of being „bracketed“ and, after a few drinks, decided to do something about it. They talked about setting an organisation to „celebrate mixed heritage“ and within weeks the Turquoise Association was born.
The rise in mixed-race Britain is shown in a major new report that shows young people are now six times as likely to be mixed-race as adults.
The report paints a picture of Britain in which people of Caribbean, black African, Chinese, Indian and white British heritage are far more likely to fall in love, marry and have children with people of different races. The majority of their mixed-race children will go on to enter relationships with people of yet another ethnic background.
Lucinda Platt, author of the report, said that the findings were striking: „There has been a dramatic shift over 10 years. What we mean when we talk about minority groups is changing.“
For Andrew and Minna, siblings who have both Nigerian and white British heritage, it is all about identity. ‘’In the past, a child of mixed race would ask their parents, ‘What am I?’’’ said Andrew. ‘’That was difficult for parents because identity was so a tied to race. People felt forced into telling their children that they were ‘black’ or ‘white’ – it was a social conformity thing. But I would like to tell my children that they are mixed.’’
Brother an Sister, who live in London, hope their group will help promote discussion of mixed-race. „We didn’t feel mixed-race people, as an ethnic group, were reflected in the media,“ said Minna. „We wanted to show they are doing well and give younger mixed-race people role models. We celebrate the fact of being two cultures. It’s like the best of both worlds. If someone asked me what I am, I wouldn’t say black or white; I would always say mixed race.“
Early research carried out by the Turquoise Association found that the reason Caribbean men and women were most likely to enter mixed-race relationships was because they had been settled in Britain the longest. Platt agreed, and argued that other groups would move in the same direction the longer they stayed in Britain.
The dramatic change within some communities raises questions about the issues facing the children of mixed-race relationships in a society used to placing people into distinct categories. As more and more people feel unable to identify with such groups, what future for them?
Some argue that it is largely about colour. Those who appear black or Asian are more likely to suffer discrimination than those who do not.
That was the case for Elizabeth Biggs, 29, who grew up in Cheshire with her mother of Pakistani heritage and father who is white British. The fact that she appeared white means she did not suffer.
Others argued that the very term „mixed race“ was divisive, including businessman Kenneth Olisa, whose parents are of different ethnic groups, said „The faster people stop judging on things people cannot change and instead on things they can change, the faster we will achieve civilisation. I don’t want to be called mixed race, I want to be called Ken for my achievements.“

Die Aufgabenstellung lautet:
You are going to write an essay discussing the statement: ''A completely mixed-race population would make a better society than separate ethnic groups. Think about the effect a mixed-race poulation could have ob issues like:

  • integration
  • peoples sense of identity
  • racial discrimination
  • how people are judged
  • local communities
  • individual cultures

Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir auf irgendeine Weise helfen, denn ich komm gar nicht vor ran bzw ich weiß nicht mal wie ich anfangen soll :confused:

ich kann Dir leider nicht helfen, sorry!

Nimm den vorliegenden Text und die steigende Anzahl der mixed-race Leute als Einleitung. Stell Dir eine komplette mixed-race Bevölkerung vor und erläutere das anhand der topics, die gegeben sind. Wie würde das aussehen? Zum Schluss gib Deine Schlussfolgerung, Meinung etc.


was mir immer am besten hilft um Ideen zu sammeln ist einfach mit dem lesen von Fachliteratur anzufangen.
Du kannst natürlich auch erst einmal im Internet über das Thema informieren.

Am sinnvollsten ist es übrigens auch immer verschiedene Fragen aufzuwerfen und dann versuchen die im Essay zu beantworten.
Schon jetzt leben wir ja in einer Gesellschaf in der dieser Rassenmix verankert ist, jetzt überspitze das Ganze doch einmal; stell dir vor es wüürde weniger „reinrassige“ als Menschen geben und versuche die Vor- und Nachteile beider Gesellschaften herauszufinden.
Denkst du vielleicht auch dass dies die zukünftige Gesellschaft ausmachen wird oder dass vielleicht weniger Menschen mit gemischtem Hintergrund in Zukunft geboren werden?

Ich hoffe ich konnte dir einen kleinen Denkanstoß geben.
