Woran erkennt man Spediteure/Schifffahrtskaufleute

Ich bekam aus den USA folgende Liste von Punkten, an denen man Leute erkennt, die im Bereich Schiffahrt bzw. Spedition arbeiten:

You Might Be In The Shipping Industry If…

  1. You sat in the same desk for 4 years and worked for 3 different companies
  2. Your resume is always updated or is on a diskette in your pocket.
  3. When someone asks what you do for a living, you lie because you can’t really explain or justify what you do.
  4. You get really excited about a 3% pay raise.
  5. Your biggest loss from a systems crash is that you lose your best jo
  6. You sit in a cubicle smaller than your bedroom closet.
  7. It’s dark on your drive to and from work.
  8. Fun is when issues are assigned to someone else.
  9. Communication is something your „group“ is having problems with.
  10. You see a good looking person and know it is a visitor.
  11. Free food left over from a meeting is your main staple.
  12. Art involves a white board.
  13. All real work is done prior to 9:00am and after 5:00pm.
  14. You’re already 1 week late on an assignment you just received.
  15. Dilbert is your favorite cartoon.
  16. Your boss’s favorite lines are…„When you get a few minutes“, " your spare time", „When you’re freed up“, "I have an opportunity for you „Can you do me a favor“
  17. More than 10% of the people in our company do not know what you do.
  18. Vacation is something you roll over to next year or a check you get every January.
  19. Change is the norm
  20. You have a copy of the minimum wages laws in the break room and you are barely over qualified.
  21. The person you trained two years ago at another company is now your new boss.
  22. When you call the Daily Shipping News, they automatically give you the opportunities available at the other shipping companies.
  23. Your reference books have names of several other shipping companies and at least 1/2 of them are no longer in business.
  24. All the people you meet at the Industry parties are older, fatter, or balder than what you remember.
  25. Your social calendar has Fridays permanently blocked off.
  26. The Shipping Line books freight for you but attributes it to a Ship Company your left six months ago.
  27. Most of the pens and note pads you use are from service providers no longer in business.
  28. You purposely keep operational secrets to make you more valuable to current employer.
  29. You have been asked in a interview: A) „How much business can you bring with you?“ and B) „Can you start today?“
  30. You switch Shipping Companies and you know at least one person in a foreign office that worked with you sometime in the past.
  31. You hate days that it rains as it means no smoke breas. 33. The person doing accounting or collections is accorded special privileges because no one else wants to do it.
  32. People around you have college degrees in things not related to what they are doing.
    A) You hate the person that got you into this industry. B) You curse the day you entered the industry.
  33. You regret entering the industry and wish you could be normal like all the other people out there. (Once in the industry, you can’t get. If you do get out you are miserable and it is not long before you come b
  34. You get married and the only friends you can invite, work for the shipping lines.
  35. You love it when a service provider shows up around lunch time!
  36. You hear of a back water city in a back water country in the news and you remember a shipment you have sent there in exact detail.
  37. Your wear out a stapler in about a year and you name each one.
  38. You keep a plastic cup on your desk and place used staples in it.
  39. You have at least a pile of 4 inches or one Months worth of accounting at any one time stacked on your desk.
  40. Have at least four stacks of papers on your desk (One working pile three unknown).
  41. Find a Correction Advice or a request for a rate change on your desk six months after it was faxed.
  42. You answer the phone and actually understand the accent of the person speaking.
  43. Your closest confidant to whom you tell all your secrets works in customer service at a shipping line whom you have never met.
  44. You put many more staples than needed on you export pouches because the destination office applies at least six on each document attached to their pouches. (Are you reading Timothy?)
  45. You can’t remember anything you did yesterday, but you can reassure your boss you were very busy and point to any stack of papers on your desk.
  46. If anything goes wrong, you can blame it on the person that quit the company for at least a month. And since there are many, you have an endless supply of alibis. Or …
  47. It was the FNG’s(f—ing new guy) fault. Since they are always new employees, they are good for a few falls
  48. You know and understand that labels attached themselves to cartons. Therefore no one can be blamed for cross labeling.
  49. Murphy’s Law of Shipping is: A) A shipment will have problems if it is a brand new client and this first trial given to you. B) Shipment will have problems only when everyone at your company and the shippers are carefully monitoring. C) Once a shipment has a problem, there is never only one problem to solve, they come in multiples. Each solution creates another problem and you pray that the freight Gods look fair upon you and hope the destination office can find the cure.
  50. Anyone who has a clean desk must not have anything to do and is shunned by all others in the office.
  51. Your calendar has Monday as the first day of the week.
  52. You like an occasional Letter of Credit shipment because you can ask people to leave you alone and they will !!
  53. You accidentally in public refer to city names by their three letter code.
  54. You can keep track of all details of a Million Dollar Draft, but are unable to write personal checks.
  55. You subconsciously check your salesman’s fingers for blue chalk or try to smell their breath and secretly envy them for knowing what sunlight looks like.
  56. You date only within your industry because „no one else would understand.“
  57. The only time you get to see sunlight is when the Roach-Coach (Ptomaine-mobile) makes it’s daily stop.
  58. You can’t drive a stick shift car, but feel comfortable on a forklift
  59. You know in detail as to what fits into an ocean container but can’t pack a suitcase
  60. Christmas means a change of work address
  61. This list makes sense to you.
