6 Englisch Essays mit jeweils 350 words, fehler?

Da ich am Mittwoch meine English Matura (Abitur) habe und wir ein Essay schreiben müssen, möchte ich wissen ob die Essays die ich vorgeschrieben habe, in Ordnung sind oder nicht.
Wir haben 6 Themengebiete bekommen, von denen Eines zur Prüfung kommt.

  • Internet
  • Mobile Phones
  • Living in a City
  • Living in at the Country
  • Television
  • Cars, individual transport

Ich stell mal meine 6 vorgeschriebenen Essays rein und falls jemand Lust oder Zeit hat, könnte er mir mal ne antwort schreiben, es soll bitte nicht komplett neu geschrieben werden oder sonstiges, nur auf Fehler aufmerksam gemacht werden!

Wäre sehr dankbar… Mit freundlichen Grüßen Luca


This subject can be looked at from several points of view.
Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of internet, there is lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. It also became the best business tool.
How does the Internet affect our life?
It can be very helpful to people who carefully take advantage of the positive things. The Internet can be very useful and convenient.

Information is probably the biggest advantage internet is offering. The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. You can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that you are looking for.

Secondly many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for your favorite movies and hotel reservations.
It is child’s play to authorize things, but it is advisable to own a credit card. Otherwise you have to pay per bank transfer what mostly takes some days or by cash on delivery which is not available in every country.

Internet is a communication stage too. People, particularly young people use platforms like “myspace”, “facebook”, “twitter” and other stages for exchanging just all imaginable things.

Thirdly Entertainment is another popular reason why many people prefer to surf the Internet. Downloading games, visiting chat rooms or just surfing the Web are some of the uses people have discovered.

On the other hand there are several serious disadvantages to internet. There are a lot of violent, sexual and rip-offs online. If child’s have boundless access to the internet, it could be worst for their healthy mental life. Moreover there is a lot of advertising in the internet, which could be bad for believable people they may click on these advertising sites.
If you use the Internet, you may be facing grave danger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. can be accessed by other culprits to make your problems worse.
In conclusion can be said, that nobody could imagine a world without internet access.

Mobile Phones:

Have you ever considered that in 2010 millions of people own a mobile phone? It is a sort of a necessity nowadays and it is an inevitable truth that mobile industry is taking everyone by a storm.
The development of mobile phones brought convenient and advantages to the world. Communication between people and people are easier and fast and now internet access for just a touch of your finger tips.
The biggest advantage is that mobile phones are very often used in the emergency services for doctor’s, policemen and firemen too. Here mobile phones are a good thing and make saving peoples life easier.

Secondly mobile phones are little multimedia devices with the newest technical standard. They probably are able to do the same things like computers. In the majority of cases they have integrated WLAN, Bluetooth and other transfer options.
The newest devices are able to watch television and movies in high definition quality too.
In addition they can make pictures with more than 5 megapixels and can play our favorite music.
Usually mobile phones have more than 8 GB memory to store things like photos, movies and music on it. They have a lot of useful functions like calendar, making notes, alarm clock, timer and calculator too.
Though, the disadvantages brought along with the fast grown technology cannot be ignored. These problems not only influenced people personally but also the society.
Mobile Phones are very expensive and people lose sight of having social contacts. They just contact friends and family through their phone and became too lazy for meeting them outside.
Also mobile phones disturb us on works and studies and they affect our body due to their radiation which they produce.
Furthermore they make it easier to invade our privacy which could be very annoying.
To sum up everyone have should be able to weigh the advantages and the disadvantages to use the mobile phones in a responsible manner.
Humans created mobile phones and it is all up to our control use them more carefully and properly or not.

Living in a City

Living in a city has both, advantages and disadvantages.
Of course, the pros and cons depends on the population of the city too. For example in big cities like New York with approximately 8 million inhabitants are certainly more entertainment offers and activities to choose than in a city with 100.000 Inhabitants.
In cities it is often easier to find a job and there is usually a choice of public transport, so you do not need to own a car.
One point in favor of living in cities is that you do not have to go for shopping by car or bus. You have enormous department store nearby your house and you can do the shopping very quickly. What is more, in bigger cities are many places where you can meet your friends. For example you can visit cinemas, theatres, museums, discos, restaurants, etc., places where you can spend your free time and relax.
If you are a outdoorsman and want to hang out between green grass and trees, you can usually find a park where you can find your inside peace.
On the other side many people move by their cars and this effect lead to form unexpected pollutions. New factories, skyscrapers and blocks of flats will build and many trees are cut down to get more places for this buildings and it is the aim why fresh air is fading.
Furthermore you might have a job, but unless it is very well paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public means of transport are often crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour. Parks can become very crowded too, especially on Sundays when it seems that everyone is looking for some open space and green grass.
In conclusion, it is up to each individual to decide where we want to leave. I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and do not mind the noise and pollution.


Living at the Country

Living in the country has both pros and cons.

One advantage is that there are not many cars, which means that there is no traffic, no noise and the air is not polluted.
What is more, if you want to relax, you can go to a forest, sit under a tree and breathe with fresh air, which is generally clean in the country. You know everybody and you say ‘hello’ to everyone which makes a friendly tone around you.

Furthermore childhood education, kindergarten through twelfth grade, is significantly better than in a large city. In the country are smaller class sizes and larger budgets which create excellent learning environments.

However, there are also disadvantages. One disadvantage is that you cannot find work, because there are not many places to work.
Another point is that on the country you have big problems with public transport.

If the town have a bus or train station, you mostly have to wait very long for the means of travel. Additional if you do not own a car you are not independent because you have to adapt to the timetables. It is important to have a car if you really want to go somewhere, do shopping in the city, etc.
If you do not live on a farm, there is nothing to do at the country. People are getting bored because there are no cinemas, theatres, discos, pubs or something like that. There are not many shops where you can buy everything you want.
Another disadvantage is that if there is an emergency like your house is on fire, the firemen needs more time to get to your house. Another example could be if you have a heart attack, the ambulance also needs more time to get to your place expect you live near a city which have an ambulance helicopter.
Finally, I think that the country is only for people who prefer living in peace. It is not a place for young people. If you have no car it is very difficult to live there.



How does television affect our lives?

Nowadays, television has become the most popular media of human kind. It is also the indispensable device in our daily life. By watching TV , we can see many things happened in the surrounding us world , therefore it help us to catch and avoid being dropped back from the world of information.
It can be very helpful to people who carefully choose the shows that they watch. Television can increase our knowledge because there are high-quality programs that help us understand many fields of study, science, medicine, arts and so on.

Moreover, television benefits very old people who cannot often leave the house, as well as patients in hospitals. It also offers stranger speakers the advantage of daily informal language practice, they can increase their vocabulary and practice listening.

On the other hand, there are several serious disadvantages to television. Of course, it provides us with a pleasant way to relax and spend our free time, but there are people who watch TV more than six hours a day.
Wasting time is one of the inherent disadvantage of watching TV.
Many children stare at a TV screen for more hours each a day than they do anything else, including studying and sleeping.

Another disadvantage is that TV often causes people to become dissatisfied with their own lives. Real life does not seem as exciting to these people as the lives of actors on the screen. Too many people gets frustrated because TV becomes more real than reality and their own lives seem boring.

Childs and teenager begin to believe that there is nothing strange, about fights, killings and other kinds of violence due to the variety of sway in TV. Many studies show that people become more violent after certain programs.
The most negative effect of the television might be people’s addiction to it. People often feel a strange and powerful need to watch TV even when they do not enjoy it. Addiction to a TV screen is similar to drug and alcohol addiction, but people almost never believe they are addicted.


Cars, individual transport

Have you ever considered that in 2010 so many people own cars?
The first advantage is that you can travel wherever and whenever you want. That means you are more comparatively independent. There is no need to worry about timetables, connections and seat reservations.
Secondly you can use a car in case of hurry, for example if you want to drive to the doctor you do not have to wait for a bus. In spite of traffic jams and speed limits, cars are still faster than many other means of transportation. That is true for both cases, in cities and on longer distances.
A further advantage is that you can take more luggage than on any means of public transport and it costs particularly nothing, apart from the higher gas consumption due to higher weight.
The major pro of using a car is that it is always cheaper for a family of three or four to go by car than by public means of transport. Moreover you always have a seat and hence you do not have to stand or share a compartment with people that annoy you.

On the other hand you can be stuck in a traffic jam, you have to pay for car park and petrol.
Fuel is getting scarce and expensive. This is a drawback both for the individual car owner and for our economy.
Furthermore particularly in big cities it is hard to find parking spaces and it is very exhausting to take longer distances during the rush hour.
Cars are only faster than other means of transport, if there are good roads and motorways.
Although cars are faster and more comfortable, they are less safe than any other means of transport. There are a lot more car accidents than other traffic accidents.

In many countries, drivers have to pay expensive tolls when using the highway.
Another big downsize of using cars are speed limits. They make travelling slower than it could be.

Additional cars are less comfortable than trains. You can’t sleep when you drive, you can’t relax. Also cars pollute the air more than trains.

So das wars, dankeschön
To sum up, everyone have to choose by himself if he prefer cars or other means of transport.

Hallo (

Ich stell mal meine 6 vorgeschriebenen Essays rein und falls
jemand Lust oder Zeit hat, könnte er mir mal ne antwort
schreiben, es soll bitte nicht komplett neu geschrieben werden
oder sonstiges, nur auf Fehler aufmerksam gemacht werden!

Stimme meinem „Vorschreiber“ zu, etwas viel verlangt und das zwei tage vo der prüfung…Es sind jedemenge Fehler da, aber das alles haarklein durchzugehen dauert Stunden…Du wirst schon noch mal selber 'ranmüssen.


ich schließe mich meinen Vorschreibern an. Zu viel Arbeit in zu kurzer Zeit.

Beim schnellen Überfliegen ist mir folgendes aufgefallen: „Disko“ heißt auf Englisch „club“. Vielleicht stehen im Wörterbuch auch irgendwelche anderen Dinge, die vielleich sogar richtig sind, aber „club“ passt auf alle Fälle. „In die Disko gehen“ heißt dann „go clubbing“.

Außerdem schreibt man Substantive im Englischen grundsätzlich klein! Das sind einfach so Leichtsinnsfehler, die müssen nicht sein.

Einige Ausnahmen gibt es natürlich, aber die sind überschaubar: God, King, Queen, I, und Internet sieht man auch oft mit großem I, manchmal mit kleinem, da scheinen sich die Leute noch nicht so ganz einzig zu sein. Eigennamen schreibt man natürlich auch groß; dazu gehören auch alle Länder, Flüsse, etc.

Ansonsten wär’s vielleicht ganz gut, du postest nur ein oder zwei Absätze, bei denen du dir besonders unsicher bist. Die kann man dann hier gemeinsam besprechen. „Bis übermorgen“ ist recht knapp!

Und stell mal bei Word als Textsprache Englisch ein (wahlweise britisch oder amerikanisch), dann kannst du auch schon einige Fehler vermeiden. So hab’s ich immer gemacht, wenn ich im Büro französische Texte tippen musste - ich hab nämlich überhaupt keinen Plan, wo da welche Accents hingehören. Na, Word hat mir ganz viele Wörter rot unterkringelt, ich habe die Accents anders gesetzt, und der Chef war zufrieden, „wie gut“ ich Französisch kann :wink:

Schöne Grüße


Disko / Disco / Club

Beim schnellen Überfliegen ist mir folgendes aufgefallen:
„Disko“ heißt auf Englisch „club“. „In die
Disko gehen“ heißt dann „go clubbing“.

„Disko“ heißt auf englisch doch „disco“. :smile:
„Club“ (was eigentlich eher „Verein“ bedeutet) ist modern und in big cities geht man lieber „clubbing“, weil es einfach hip klingt.
Trotdem gehen viele Menschen immer noch „to the disco“.

Ich kann mich noch erinnern wie unglaublich cool alle es fanden, als wir damals in England aufgehört haben, „discotheque“ zu sagen. Wer „disco“ sagte, war mega-hip. :smiley:


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…heutzutage gehen wir aber in clubs. Jetzt verwirrt mir mal nicht Nico noch zusätzlich. Da sind genug andere Baustellen in den Texten. Meine favourites bei kurzem Durchsehen sind „outdoorsman“ und „inside peace“ Und, Nico—Plurale bildet man nicht mit 's !!
Expect ist erwarten, „ausser“ ist except usw. usw.
Es sind viel zu viele Fehler, auch satzbau- und formulierungstechnisch, als dass man das hier komplett behandeln könnte.
Da ist es wurscht, ob er oder sie in die disco oder in den club geht…

sorry, Luca, dass ich dich zu Nico gemacht habe!!!

kein problem das mit nico xD … das mit disco ist wirklich das kleinste problem, also ich habe die texte teils von mir und teils vom internet, meistens sind aber 80 prozent aus dem inet und da sieht man wirklich das die satzstellung komplett sch**** ist … ich bin schon dabei dies zu verbessern was noch einige zeit dauern wird

eine frage, hier ist es nur ein satz der mi schwer zu schaffen macht, meiner meinung nach ist dieser grammatikalisch falsch

If you use the Internet, you may be facing grave danger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. can be accessed by other culprits to make your problems worse.

OK, ein möglicher Vorschlag:
By using the internet you may be facing the risk of other users being able to get hold of your private data, i.e. address, credit card numbers etc., thus causing massive problems.

Viel Erfolg !

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