Personal Essay auf Englisch - Fehler?


ich benötige für mein gewünschtes Studium einen Personal Essay auf Englisch. Geschrieben habe ich ihn schon, aber sicherlich enthält er noch einige Fehler. Es wäre wirklich sehr nett, wenn jemand darüber lesen könnte und mich auf meine Fehler aufmerksam machen könnte, denn das kommt bestimmt nicht sehr gut an.

Die Fragen sind folgende:

1.What are the characteristics needed to be a good manager/expert in your chosen field?
2.Why are you interested in a career in your chosen field?
3.Explain how you have researched your choice of study and prepared yourself for studying in the Netherlands.

Und nun mein Essay:

Dear Sir or Madam,

through internet research I found your Bachelor Programme for „Media And Entertainment Management“ which sparked great interest in me.
Your institution offers possibilities to impart students the fundamental knowledge for managers. The importance of internationality in business grows more and more. Today flexibility, also in residence, is in great demand and often a matter of course for companies. By moving into the Netherlands I would get used to this flexibility and would also improve my knowledge of foreign languages. I speak English and French and made my qualification in Latin. From 1 April to 1 Decembre 2008 I will do an European Voluntary Service in Bucharest, where I will also learn the Romanian language. There I will be prepared for my studying in the Netherlands by staying for any lenght of time abroad. In Romania I will talk the most time in English but I will also get used to learn a new language by praxis, like later on in the Netherlands.
In addition to good education also some characteristics are important. In my opinion the crucial talent is self-esteem because managers have to reach decisions for which self-doubt would be a great disturbing factor. Another valuable traits are assertiveness and willingness to compromise. Especially articulateness and a wide horizon are important for my chosen field. Media are everytime in a developing process because of new technical products and a changing society. If managers are not open-minded enough they may pass new trends, which could ruin their business in the worst case.
The media business seems very interesting to me because media is everywhere in our daily life: e.g. television, radio, newspapers. It enables many different kind of jobs like event or marketing manager which appeals to myself. Media links the whole world by informing each other. Freedom of the press affords people different points of view which broaden their mind. Looking and working behind the scenes of media seems very interesting to me and that is the reason why I want to be an active part of globalization process which connects different cultures and people.

Thanking you most sincerely for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerly,

Ich danke jetzt schon einmal und wünsche allen schöne Feiertage.


ich habe leider nicht mehr viel Zeit, deshalb nur überflogen –

through internet research I found your Bachelor Programme for
„Media And Entertainment Management“ which sparked great
interest in me. (anderes Verb wie „to spark“, das ist nur kurzfristiges Interesse – noch besser: eine Kontruktion ohne Substantiv - which interests me greatly, noch besser: ganzer Satz ummodeln.)
Your institution offers possibilities to impart students the

fundamental knowledge for managers.

to impart - ist nicht das richtige Wort hier (ich will dir nicht zu nahe treten, aber dein ganzer Brief liest sich, als hättest du ihn mit einfachen (aber vielleicht treffenden?) Worten geschrieben und dann mit Wörterbuch spezielle Wörter gesucht und ersetzt, die den Stil verbessern sollten, aber nur wichtigtuerisch wirken).

The importance of

Noch so ein Wort. The importance of being international, of being internationally present, of acting internationally, of being able to operate in an international setting, o.ä.
in business grows more and more. Today

flexibility, also in residence, is in great demand and often a
matter of course for companies. By moving into the Netherlands

moving to the Netherlands (nicht into)

I would get used to this flexibility and would also improve my
knowledge of foreign languages.

Moving to the Netherlands would be a first step to acquire this flexibility.

I speak English and French and

made my qualification in Latin. From 1 April to 1 Decembre


2008 I will do an European Voluntary Service in Bucharest,

nicht „to do“ – I will attend, take part, complete, participate in

where I will also learn the Romanian language. There I will be
prepared for my studying in the Netherlands by staying for any
lenght of time abroad.

This will prepare me for my studies in the Netherlands.
any leng th = unbestimmte Zeit

In Romania I will talk the most time in
English but I will also get used to learn a new language by
praxis, like later on in the Netherlands.

In Romania, the main language for me will be English, but I will get the chance to learn a new language. (never „in praxis“), as I imagine this will be the case later in the Netherlands.

In addition to good education also some characteristics are

„charakteristics“ sind nicht Charaktereigenschaften, wie du - glaube ich? - meinst, sondern
In addition to a good education, certain personal traits are important.

In my opinion, an essential characteristic (hier passts!) is :self-esteem
because managers have to reach decisions for which self-doubt
would be a great disturbing factor.

der ganze Satz ist nicht gut - auf jedenfall muss das „great“ raus.
Since self doubt would be a drawback / handicap for a manager when he needs to reach decisions, I consider high self-esteem an essential characteristic for an aspiring manager.

Other valuable traits should be assertiveness and willingness :to compromise. Especially
articulateness and an open mind and a wide knowledge (to broaden one’s horizon, gibt es , but you can’t have a broad horizon; ich bin nicht ganz sicher, was du sagen willst)
are important for my chosen
field. Media are everytime
(??? was heißt das? — eventuell: currently?) in a developing process because of

Sorry, Zeit zuende. Am besten müsste man das ganze nocheinmal von Grund auf neu schreiben.

Vielleiht hat jemand anderes mehr Zeit, sorry.
Ich lasse das unvollständige Posting dennoch stehen, um dir eine Anregung zu geben ,in welche Richtung du denken solltest.



vielen Dank. Ja, leider handelt es sich bei meinem Englisch nur um Schulenglisch. Ich werde das ganze noch etwas bearbeiten.

Liebe Grüße und einen schönen Feiertag.