Hörte John Forbes Nash Stimmen?

John Nash erkrankte an paranoider Schizophrenie als er dreißig war. In 80 Prozent aller Fälle treten bei paranoider Schizophrenie kommentierende oder befehlende Stimmen auf. Meine Frage ist, ob John Nash auch diese Stimmen hörte. Oder litt er nur an Verfolgungswahn und Größenwahn? Das muss ja irgendwo dokumentiert sein.



Meine Frage ist, ob John Nash auch diese Stimmen hörte.


Interview with John Nash: Hearing Voices

_Initially I did not hear any voices. Some years went by before I heard voices and – I became first disturbed in 1959, and I didn’t hear voices until the summer of 1964 I think, but then after that, I heard voices, and then I began arguing with the concept of the voices.

And ultimately I began rejecting them and deciding not to listen, and, of course, my son has been hearing voices, and if he can progress to the state of rejecting them, he can maybe come out of his mental illness._

_The consequence of rejecting the voices is ultimately not hearing the voices. You’re really talking to yourself is what the voices are, but it’s also parallel to a dream. In a dream it’s typical not to be rational.

I had some philosophical ideas that were involved. I found myself thinking in political terms, but then I found myself able to criticize this thinking – that it wasn’t very valuable to think in political terms. Even now, I sometimes have a new realization that it can be not so good to think in political terms about some of the current issues. One can leave that to others.

So in rejecting some of the political ideas, that had a relation to the voices, so I could think of a voice maybe as presenting what was analogous to a political argument, and then I could say, I don’t want to listen to that._


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