Korrektur Referat

Hallo, ich muss übernächtse Woche ein wichtiges Referat auf Englisch halten (Eurokom). Da ich in Englisch nicht so gut bin, würde ich mich freuen, wenn ihr mir mein fertiges Referat korrigieren könntet.
Mein Referat geht über Scientology. Wenn es irgendetwas gibt,was noch rein muss oder zuviel ist,sagt es mir bitte.Das Referat darf aber die Zeit von 5 Minuten nicht überschreiten. Schaut aber hauptsächlich auf Satzformulierungen und Grammatik.
Vielen Dank für die Hilfe schon im Vorraus.

Mein Referat:

Textübersetzung auf Englisch

Choice of name:
The name Scientology comes from the latin verb scire that means knowledge/science and the greek word logo that means word/speech. It is translated by Scientology with “ knowledge about the knowledge”

In 1950 L .Ron Hubbard developed in his book “Dianetics” a system of the psycho techniques that he put in 1952 to a philosophy of life with religious claim.
Between 1950 and 1954 Hubbard apprenticeship (teaching) existed a row of groupings moved. In 1953 Hubbard put down the "Church of Scientology of California“as a brand name put down and the first branch based in February, 1954.

In the following time he extended his system again around cosmological and metaphysical elements. At the same moment he formed the organization more hierarchically. Till 1967 Hubbards Church of Scientology could farther expand and extended near the USA also in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

In following century Scientology expanded less. Scientology tried to assert itself in Scandinavia, Germany and the Benelux governments. Hubbards guidance style became more hierarchically. Because some thought that Hubbard guidance style too magisterially was, some lined up between 1982 and 1984 from Scientology. They created the „free zone. “
After Hubbards death in 1986 David Miscavige took over the guidance of the organization.

The most members Scientology recruted are married office workers with an good education. The relation of man and women is 3:2
You can’t say directly how many members Scientology has. Scientology spoke in 2005 from over 10 million supporters(members). These also contain people (persons) who visited a course without continuing. Serious sources go out from 100.000 members. Most Scientologists come from the USA-(2004) 55.000 US inhabitants(0.018% of the whole population).

In Germany Scientology number their members at 12.000. State sources count 5000-7000.
However, Hungary has approximately 5000 supporters in spite of his low population density.
In the USA there are still other main branches in Italy, UK, Russia, France, (Germany), Mexico and Switzerland.

My In my opinion everyone should decide whether he liked to be a member of Scientology or not. Certainly, I think some reasons for the fact gives that Scientology is a sect, but I also think that they are not dangerous. If one has psychologicallystruck, however, one should keep away from them, because it is very easy for they to manipulate a person an d so you lost a lot of your money in their cources.


selbst wenn jemand diese Hausaufgabenhilfe machen würde, würde es ganz schnell gelöscht.

Und selbst wenn ich mich drübersetzen wollte, ich wüßte gar nicht, wo ich anfangen sollte, denn es scheint schon an den Grundlagen zu fehlen. Mein Eindruck ist, daß Du Wort für Wort übersetzt und Grammatikregeln, Satzstellung etc. überhaupt keine Rolle spielen.

Viele Grüße


Ich stimme Iris in allen Punkten zu, möchte jedoch hinzufügen, dass das lateinische Verb(!) scire nicht mit Wissen als Nomen (knowledge) übersetzt werden kann. Demnach heißt scire eher „to know, to understand“.
Eine kleine Hilfe ist besser als keine :smile:.